Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thankfully, I got into Life Wellness, the class I was waitlisted in, so my schedule is complete. I'm quite excited for next semester...I'm taking Constitutional Issues, Logic and Critical Thinking, Speech Communication, Life Wellness, Wind Ensemble, American Lit II, and Principles of Management. A fairly full load, but I'm definitely ready for a change. I loved my classes this semester, but next semester sounds equally interesting. It'll be so nice to come back in January to a fresh start after three weeks of not having to worry about schoolwork at all...right now, however, is a different story. Before next Friday, I have to write 10-12 pages about Plato's Republic, take one test, one final exam, and two quizzes, complete several hours of Spanish homework, memorize 28 lines of poetry, research Emily Dickinson and write 6 pages about her life. And finish my application for the Middle East cross-cultural. I think I'm forgetting stuff too. Ugh.

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

Hi Karissa,
Seriously. I think it's time that you buckle down and quit slacking with your studies, you know, pick it up a bit.

Ha, ha, ha....

Let me offer you some words of wisdom from an EMU alum. Whenever I was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work facing me at the library, I would feel this irresistable magnetic force pulling me to the old game room above the gym (by the snack shop)--probably not there anymore. Nothing like a ton of reading to do, papers to write, to cause that procrastination monster to raise its ugly head.

Somehow the minutes turned into hours at the fusball table. The addictive compulsion to feed my fusball fix--the ping of the ball against the metal goal-liner. It somehow defied the conventional wisdom of the more disciplined students, but provided a much needed release of stress. It seems like that should have counted toward a minor in fussbal studies over four years.

Anyway, hope your finals go well and look forward to seeing you over Christmas break. Enjoy the relaxing reprieve from studies.


P.S. Be sure to ask Austin about fantasy football.